Thursday, July 31, 2014

SchnoodleFish Dog Collars: Or What a Valkyrie Does with Her Leftovers

I am a fabric hoarder. A bad one. I hang on to scraps of scraps becuase you just never know what is going to come out of this 2" x 2" square of Riley Blake....yeah, blah, blah,whatever.

So Warrior Husband challenged me to come up with something to do with all the tiny pieces and after much pondering and deliberation, and watching Bentley scratch at his collar and thinking I needed to get him a new one I decided to go online and look and see how much a fun one would cost me.

Then I had a heart attack.  And then I saw that they were just ribbons sewing (some what poorly) on nylon strapping that were far too girly for my boy dogs. Eww.  No thank you! So off to Pinterest I go, fining as many dog collar tutorials as I can find and viola!  I found one that made sense. Fabric on both sides, and I could totally adapt it to handle my patchwork. Oh, way cool fun fact 2: can't use the small scrap pieces, so I had to toss them. It was sad.

So, the first test run was for my Bentley and my love of orange and grey.

Then for Charlie with blue and grey and then later an all ACU.

Then let a little time go by, and start showing off the Boys. Apparently, I did good, within the week a few custom orders came in. Then a few more.  Now, starting in October 2014, Montana Murray Kennels will be selling my line of SchnoodleFish Collars. (Thank you Ron!!)

Ok, now for the whole what in the hell is a SchnoodleFish thing.  Charlie, Warrior Husband's service dog from K9s For Warriors, is a Giant Schnoodle (half standard poodle/half giant schnauzer)=Schnoodle. He does this thing with his muzzle when he's tired and being silly almost like fish lips (which is impressive if you can catch him doing that!) Hence his pet name of SchnoodleFish. That and it's just so darn cute. I can make x-small, small, medium, large, x-large and small horse (aka Neapolitan Mastiff).

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What Does One Wear to a QuiltCo

I'm not the t-shirt collector, that title would go to Warrior Husband.


I am going to start a quilting shirt collection for no other reason that *I* am not a traditional quilter, I love the outlandish, loud, in your face, I'm not *just* a quilter, I am THE Quilter.

Yes, please, I'll take one of all of these!