Saturday, November 16, 2013

GirlyGeek Gadget Gear: Laptop Sleeve Tutorial

Figuring out the Mathematics:

In order to cut your materials, you need to begin by calculating how big each of your fabric cuts needs to be. The width of each of your cuts should be: your computer's width + your computer's thickness + 1.5. Round up to the next 1/4” should you have a strange cutting number. The length should be: your computer's length + your computer's thickness + 1.5". Round up to the next 1/4” should you have a strange cutting number. Example, a 13” MacBook Pro: Thickness: 0.95” Width: 12.78” Length: 8.94” To cut the width:
 12.78” + .95” = 1.5” = 15.23” (Round up to 15.25”) To cut the length: 8.94” + .95” + 1.5” = 11.39” (Round up to 11.50”) So I will cut my main fabric panels, interior lining, and fusible fleece panels at 15.25” x 11.50”

Cutting Instructions

2 - Main fabric panels calculated by your measurements.
2 - Interior lining fabric panels calculated by your measurements
2 - Fusible fleece panels calculated by your measurements
2 - Flap panels 6.5” x your calculated length -1”
1 - Fusible fleece flap panel 6.5” x your calculated length - 1”
1 - 2” x 6” coordinating fabric for bias tape loop Press fusible interfacing to the insides of the OUTER main body fabric panels only. Be sure not to pull or stretch the fabric as you iron.

Assembly Instructions:

Main Exterior

  • Cut the interior and exterior fabric pieces (4 pieces total) according to your measurement calculated above. (Remember! Measure twice cut once!) Set aside.
  • Cut 2 fusible fleece panels the same size that you cut your exterior/interior pieces.
  • Iron on fusible fleece pieces to the wrong side of the exterior main fabrics. Should you decided to do a meandering quilting stitch or some sort of quilting stitch, do it now on both the front and back pieces. Once done, set aside.

Decorative Bands

  • Decided what pattern if any you would like to do for the bands across the front. The final dimensions should be no larger than a finished 5” high by the length of your cut length of your exterior panels. (This is a super fun part, so be crafty and unique with it!)
  • Cut out and iron on the light weight fusible interfacing to the back side of the completed strip. This will help stabilize the stitches as well as help keep the darker colors “bleeding” though the lighter band pieces.
  • On the band, mark lightly a 1/4” on the long top and bottom sides, turn under and steam press.
  • Place the band no lower than 2” from the bottom and no higher than 2” from the top. Pin and sew on.

Joining the Main Exterior

  • On the fleece side of one of the top exterior piece with the band, using a lid or soup can or something round, trace a half circle using a marker or a pen you can see on shortest end.
  • Place your exterior fabric right-sides together. Pin the two long sides and one short side.
  • Cut out the half circles.
  • Stitch all three sides using 1/2″ seam allowance.
  • Turn right-side out. If needed, clip the half circle edges. Push the corners out with a turning tool or a chopstick or whatever you like to use and press it nice and flat.


  • For the flap, using 2 coordinating fabrics, cut out a 6.5” x your measured length - 1”. So with my 13” Mac it would be 6.5” wide by 10.50” long.
  • Cut 1 fusible fleece panel the same size that you cut your flap pieces and iron on to the wrong side of the front flap material. If you want to quilt this as well, do so now.
  • Make a 1/2” bias tape by cutting a 2” x 6” strip of fabric, press in half lengthwise and the fold the raw edges to the inside center. Sew closed on both sides.
  • Fold the strip in half to form a loop and baste to middle of the flap with the edges sticking out 1/8” and the loop facing in.
  • On the fleece side of the flap, using the same round item you did for the body, trace a half circle.
  • Place your flap fabrics right-sides together and cut out the half circles. pint the 2 short sides and the side with the loop. Leave open the opposite side.
  • Stitch all three sides using 1/4″ seam allowance.
  • Turn right-side out. If needed clip the half circle edges. Push the corners out with a turning tool or a chopstick or whatever you like to use and press it nice and flat.
  • Topstitch 1/4” from the edge around the sewn sides.

Interior Lining:

  • With right sides together, pin both long sides of together, stitch down both long sides using a 1/2″ seam allowance.
  • Stitch part of one short-side together, but leave an opening in the middle. Make sure to only stitch in about 1/3 of the way on the short side of the fleece.
  • The opening needs to be in the middle for you to be able to turn the laptop sleeve later.
  • Clip the corners to remove bulk.
  • Keep inside out and baste the flap, centered, on the inside of one side with the side of the flap you want visible facing up.

Assembling the Interior and Exterior

  • Plat the main sleeve INSDIE the lining, right sides all facing together with the flap side of the lining on the bottom.
  • Line up the raw edge of the exterior fabric and the raw edge of the main/fleece.  Pin in place, right-sides together.
  • Stitch around the top using a 1/2″ seam allowance.
  • Gently, pull the exterior fabric back through the hole you left open in the lining and then turn the lining right-side out as well.
  • Close the hole either by hand or by a quick run on your machine.
  • Tuck the lining inside the exterior and work the corners into each other. Press the top edges well.
  • Top-stitch around the opening using a coordinating thread and a 1/4” seam allowance.
  • Put the laptop into the sleeve and close the flap. Look for where the loop lands and lightly mark it. Take out the laptop and sew on the button.
Ta-Da! You are done!

Friday, November 15, 2013

#34: “Carnival” {November 2013}

Size: 48” x 48”
Pattern: V and Company’s “Ombre Flying Dutchman”

  • Marble Ombre Dot Blue 9883 12
  • Marble Ombre Dot Lime 9883 17
  • Marble Ombre Dot Red 9883 21
  • Marble Ombre Dot Orange 9883 22
  • Kona Cotton Solids: White

Backing: Riley Blake Small Gray Dots
Binding: Kona Solids Black
Batting: Warm and Natural 100% cotton batting
Thread: AURIfil Quilting Thread 40wt - White