Monday, February 24, 2014

#37 “Mental Heath Service Dog” {February 2014}

Size: 18” x 18”
Made for Ron Murray of Montana Murray Kennels

A Mental Health Service Dog can be trained to help with the effects of a disabling condition classified as a psychiatric disability.  In particular, tasks were developed for people who are officially diagnosed as having as well as disabled by Panic Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, or conditions associated to a brain chemistry malfunction.

The stigma in having one or all of these conditions is horrific. We are consistently labeled as having “This Problem” or “That Angry/Violent Disease” or “The Sadness Issue.” All we want it to be “Normal.”  Somedays our brains feel like shards of different colored glass. Nothing fits right and “normal” activities become a big deal.  Words meant with kindness come out as criticism.  There are days where everything you try to do makes it worse, so what is the point of getting up and putting yourself through the Harsh Words, The Staring, The pulling of the children away, and the “Get it together!” pep talks. With the help of a MHSD, they help us take those shards and put them in an order that allows us to do The Normal.

Training a dog for these tasks is a gift and shows both a firm compassion as well as a heart of knowledge. Training a person to work with a dog trained for this, well, you need to be sainted. We’ve met one saint in Florida, this is for our saint here in Montana. Ron has stepped up to the plate on many, many occasions for both Charlie and Bentley and more so for Steve and myself. To be able to put himself on our shoes and think the process over before telling us “Nope, you are doing it incorrectly” or “You are confusing the dog” his mind set is to see a pack that works together as a healthy, happy, functioning Team. We’ve watch him work with small children, small dogs, big adults and massive dogs. We are all Ron’s Pack with the secret password of AT-AT, Shhh-Leave-It.  Sometimes it takes him pulling us back away from the situation to see the shard of colored glass scattered and tell us, “Let the dog help you! Let him do his job!”

Thank you Ron for all of your support, your knowledge, your laughter and your firm/gentle reminders.

Fabric: Bella Solids for Moda
Thread: Aurifil Quilt Patchwork and Embroidery Thread - White
BackingBella Solids for Moda - Black
Batting: Warm and Natural
Bella Solids for Moda - Black

Sunday, February 2, 2014

#36 “Peponi (Paradise)” {February 2014}

Size: 65" x 55"
Pattern: Jelly Roll Race
Fabric: Stonehenge Woodland - "Autumn" By Linda Ludovico for Northcott
Thread: Aurifil Quilt Patchwork and Embroidery Thread - White
Backing: Kona Bay Solids: Burgundy
Batting: Warm and Natural
Binding: Kona Bay Solids: Burgundy

#35 “Wind and Water” {February 2014}

Size: 63" x 51"
Pattern: Jelly Roll Race/1600" Quilt
Fabric: Hoffman Bali Pops "River Rock"
Thread: Aurifil Quilt Patchwork and Embroidery Thread - White
Backing: Kona Bay Solids: Black
Batting: Warm and Natural
Binding: Kona Bay Solids: Black