Monday, March 18, 2013

#30: "Hallowtide Fun" {March 2013}

What can I say. I saw this panel and busted out laughing. I really, really dislike scary stuff and most people have a tendency to swing towards that for Halloween. I love the fact that the monsters look so sweet and of course the cats. Now, understand, I actually got this panel because of ET and Edelbrock. If you look carefully you will see Edel in the middle right block and in the top right, next to the witch, is ET. ET was my 24 year-old, blind, deaf, brain damaged one-eyed cat. My blind step mother discovered him, just minutes from being born and having fallen from the tree momma had her litter in. ET (Teasers) was a cool cat, just like the fine fellow in the block.

This is NOT ment to be a scary, mean, negative way to look at Halloween. Rather, bringing it back to being a kid again; where monsters weren't mean and could be chased away with Monster Spray or a stern word from my Mother to go back under the bed because it was past their bedtime too.

Size: 25.5" x 29"
  • Front: "Scribble Monsters II" by Leeré Aldrich for Clothworks - 100% Cotton
  • Back: Solid black - 100% Cotton
Binding: Solid black - 100% Cotton
Batting: Pellon Legacy White Quilt Batting, 100% Cotton
Thread: AURIfil 40wt Thread - Black
Pattern: Panel from Clothworks

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