Saturday, June 28, 2014

If Harley Quinn Quilted...

The Misfit Quilters started up a blind swap with the theme "Spring Cleaning" way back in March of this year. Of course with delusions of grander, I assumed I was going to be able to get all of the mini quilts done, my swap partners goodies and all of my orders all completed before 1 May.

Insert total psychotic laugh here.
It totally didn't happen.

Luckily my partner was Amanda, the super uber cool Wonder Veteran wife, Patchwork For Paws quilt making, Super Mom, and designer of Little Treasures by Amanda.  Yeah totally NO pressure there.  Actually Amanda is one of the kindest gals you'll ever meet, and her design eye just kicks butt. You should ask her about her Giant Dresden Plate she's making for Patchwork For Paws and her red work.

The brilliant part about this Spring Cleaning for the quilt room theme was that we all went to Pinterest and pinned items we really liked. This way, we all had an idea of colors and things we needed/liked/obsessed over.  In my case I also peppered her with questions as a random thing. What are your favorite colors? I know you like comics and superhero's, who's your favorite character you like to follow?  And she answered me in one sentence.

"I really like Harley Quinn."

So not having a background in DC Comics (I'm a Marvel Girl) I went to Warrior Husband and he pulled out some of the issues with Harley and showed me on his various video games a really fascinating personality. She also happens to wear a lot of bright reds, black and white.

Game on.  So this is the theme I came up with was, "If Harley Quinn Quilted"

I made:

I wanted to make more but I was already running behind, like one month behind, and thanks to Amanda for being so patient with me.  I sure hope you like it!  I had a blast making them!

1 comment:

  1. These are gorgeous! I think you've totally captured Harley Quinn in them. Well worth the wait for sure!!
