Saturday, November 16, 2013

GirlyGeek Gadget Gear: Laptop Sleeve Tutorial

Figuring out the Mathematics:

In order to cut your materials, you need to begin by calculating how big each of your fabric cuts needs to be. The width of each of your cuts should be: your computer's width + your computer's thickness + 1.5. Round up to the next 1/4” should you have a strange cutting number. The length should be: your computer's length + your computer's thickness + 1.5". Round up to the next 1/4” should you have a strange cutting number. Example, a 13” MacBook Pro: Thickness: 0.95” Width: 12.78” Length: 8.94” To cut the width:
 12.78” + .95” = 1.5” = 15.23” (Round up to 15.25”) To cut the length: 8.94” + .95” + 1.5” = 11.39” (Round up to 11.50”) So I will cut my main fabric panels, interior lining, and fusible fleece panels at 15.25” x 11.50”

Cutting Instructions

2 - Main fabric panels calculated by your measurements.
2 - Interior lining fabric panels calculated by your measurements
2 - Fusible fleece panels calculated by your measurements
2 - Flap panels 6.5” x your calculated length -1”
1 - Fusible fleece flap panel 6.5” x your calculated length - 1”
1 - 2” x 6” coordinating fabric for bias tape loop Press fusible interfacing to the insides of the OUTER main body fabric panels only. Be sure not to pull or stretch the fabric as you iron.

Assembly Instructions:

Main Exterior

  • Cut the interior and exterior fabric pieces (4 pieces total) according to your measurement calculated above. (Remember! Measure twice cut once!) Set aside.
  • Cut 2 fusible fleece panels the same size that you cut your exterior/interior pieces.
  • Iron on fusible fleece pieces to the wrong side of the exterior main fabrics. Should you decided to do a meandering quilting stitch or some sort of quilting stitch, do it now on both the front and back pieces. Once done, set aside.

Decorative Bands

  • Decided what pattern if any you would like to do for the bands across the front. The final dimensions should be no larger than a finished 5” high by the length of your cut length of your exterior panels. (This is a super fun part, so be crafty and unique with it!)
  • Cut out and iron on the light weight fusible interfacing to the back side of the completed strip. This will help stabilize the stitches as well as help keep the darker colors “bleeding” though the lighter band pieces.
  • On the band, mark lightly a 1/4” on the long top and bottom sides, turn under and steam press.
  • Place the band no lower than 2” from the bottom and no higher than 2” from the top. Pin and sew on.

Joining the Main Exterior

  • On the fleece side of one of the top exterior piece with the band, using a lid or soup can or something round, trace a half circle using a marker or a pen you can see on shortest end.
  • Place your exterior fabric right-sides together. Pin the two long sides and one short side.
  • Cut out the half circles.
  • Stitch all three sides using 1/2″ seam allowance.
  • Turn right-side out. If needed, clip the half circle edges. Push the corners out with a turning tool or a chopstick or whatever you like to use and press it nice and flat.


  • For the flap, using 2 coordinating fabrics, cut out a 6.5” x your measured length - 1”. So with my 13” Mac it would be 6.5” wide by 10.50” long.
  • Cut 1 fusible fleece panel the same size that you cut your flap pieces and iron on to the wrong side of the front flap material. If you want to quilt this as well, do so now.
  • Make a 1/2” bias tape by cutting a 2” x 6” strip of fabric, press in half lengthwise and the fold the raw edges to the inside center. Sew closed on both sides.
  • Fold the strip in half to form a loop and baste to middle of the flap with the edges sticking out 1/8” and the loop facing in.
  • On the fleece side of the flap, using the same round item you did for the body, trace a half circle.
  • Place your flap fabrics right-sides together and cut out the half circles. pint the 2 short sides and the side with the loop. Leave open the opposite side.
  • Stitch all three sides using 1/4″ seam allowance.
  • Turn right-side out. If needed clip the half circle edges. Push the corners out with a turning tool or a chopstick or whatever you like to use and press it nice and flat.
  • Topstitch 1/4” from the edge around the sewn sides.

Interior Lining:

  • With right sides together, pin both long sides of together, stitch down both long sides using a 1/2″ seam allowance.
  • Stitch part of one short-side together, but leave an opening in the middle. Make sure to only stitch in about 1/3 of the way on the short side of the fleece.
  • The opening needs to be in the middle for you to be able to turn the laptop sleeve later.
  • Clip the corners to remove bulk.
  • Keep inside out and baste the flap, centered, on the inside of one side with the side of the flap you want visible facing up.

Assembling the Interior and Exterior

  • Plat the main sleeve INSDIE the lining, right sides all facing together with the flap side of the lining on the bottom.
  • Line up the raw edge of the exterior fabric and the raw edge of the main/fleece.  Pin in place, right-sides together.
  • Stitch around the top using a 1/2″ seam allowance.
  • Gently, pull the exterior fabric back through the hole you left open in the lining and then turn the lining right-side out as well.
  • Close the hole either by hand or by a quick run on your machine.
  • Tuck the lining inside the exterior and work the corners into each other. Press the top edges well.
  • Top-stitch around the opening using a coordinating thread and a 1/4” seam allowance.
  • Put the laptop into the sleeve and close the flap. Look for where the loop lands and lightly mark it. Take out the laptop and sew on the button.
Ta-Da! You are done!

Friday, November 15, 2013

#34: “Carnival” {November 2013}

Size: 48” x 48”
Pattern: V and Company’s “Ombre Flying Dutchman”

  • Marble Ombre Dot Blue 9883 12
  • Marble Ombre Dot Lime 9883 17
  • Marble Ombre Dot Red 9883 21
  • Marble Ombre Dot Orange 9883 22
  • Kona Cotton Solids: White

Backing: Riley Blake Small Gray Dots
Binding: Kona Solids Black
Batting: Warm and Natural 100% cotton batting
Thread: AURIfil Quilting Thread 40wt - White

Saturday, October 19, 2013

#33: “October Breezes” {October 2013}

Size: 22.5” x 22.5”
Pattern: Sea Breeze Mini Quilt from the Fresh Mini Quilt Club: October 2013 By Megan Bohr from Canoe Ridge Creations
  • Moda Bella Solids: Kansas Red
  • Moda Bella Solids: Prussian Blue
  • Moda Bella Solids: Feather
  • Moda Bella Solids: Cheddar
  • Moda Bella Solids: Longhorn
  • Moda Bella Solids: Chocolate
  • Moda Bella Solids: Pesto
  • Moda Bella Solids: Dark Teal
  • Moda Bella Solids: Merlot
  • Moda Bella Solids: Charcoal
Backing: Dear Stella Honeycrisp Rings in Brown
Batting: Warm and Natural 100% cotton batting
Thread: AURIfil Quilting Thread 40wt - White

Sunday, September 15, 2013

#32: “Desert Vision" {September 2013}

Given to Stan Downs as a thank you for all of his kindness, support, charm and contagious laugh. He also knows how to rock the desert look, pick a great beer, and will always be my "Desert Rat Friend."

Size: 48" x 48"
Pattern: Ombre Flying Dutchman by V and Co.

  • Kona Solids - White
  • V & Co: Simply Color Ombre - Lime Green
  • V & Co: Simply Color Ombre - Sweet Tangerine
  • V & Co: Simply Color Ombre - Aquatic Blue
  • V & Co: Simply Color Ombre - Eggplant

Backing: Kona Solids - Black
Binding: Kona Solids - Black
Batting: Warm and Natural 100% cotton batting
Thread: AURIfil Quilting Thread

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

#31: "On the Threshold of Liberty" {June 2013}

I have grown up, moved around, and married into the military. I’ve only known about a civilian lifestyle when I was married to my first husband and even then it confused the hell out of me. Just about every military personal and family member I’ve ever met, has had the “You just do it” spirit. Our esprit de corp was our family, our friends, our community. It didn’t matter if you lived on or off bace/post/station. We are/were one huge, massive family. We were are/were a unique group of people in a unique situation. That gave us a common bond.

We all understood that our lives were a bit different because at any moment we could be transferred, or Dad/Mom/Husband/Wife could be called away for TDY/Deployment. When we moved, we packed up, we cleaned up we said our goodbyes and in many cases cried in the car. When we pulled into our new bace/fort/station, we unpacked we cleaned up and we were met by our new neighbors (who usually had cookies, a pizza and a beer) to say hello because they too knew how hard it was to move into a new place as well. Our family did the same thing when the new neighbors came in as well.

We celebrated with air shows, open houses, and field days with a carnival like atmosphere. We got to see what our Husband/Wife/Mom/Dad’s were doing and see/smell/touch the equipment that made them different from other Moms/Dad’s/Wife’s/Husband’s. It didn’t matter what your neighbors skin color was, all we needed to know was “Yes, Sir” or “Yes, Sargent.” When your neighbor went on leave with their family, chances are, your family would walk over a few times a day, taking care of the pets, plants and making it look like someone was still there because family time is a precious commodity to get.

As much as we desperately wanted to, we didn’t rush the door when Mom/Dad/Husband/Wife walked in because chances are, they are pretty tired/stressed out and need a few moments to “get it together.” We gave up weekends and many evenings because things needed to get to get done at work. It was just the way it worked. We all come to the aid of the family when someone was hurt, and we mourned when one of ours was lost. So when I quote, “Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul,” I’m not just talking about the Service Member. I’m talking about the men and women who are at home. These folks are the rock, the soft spot to land on, the cookie holding- pizza ordering-beer offering folks who try to make a unique lifestyle just a little more bearable for the soldiers as well as each other. Yup, we help when needed and not necessarily asked to do so, we just do. We will mow the neighbors yard, bring your mail in, carpool, run to the Commissary or, watch the Little’s so Mom and Dad can have just one evening together for the first time in 11 months. We are all in this together.

This leads me to this: every solider needs a soft spot to land on. Every. Single. One. I know that my mother all but tried to adopted all of the single soldiers in my father’s Air Force wing. She and Dad would hold a once a month party where a horrid, trashed up looking piece of fur was put on a plaque and passed around to the nominated Airman called “The Warm Fuzzy Award.” Dad would also hang a rubber chicken over the desk of a crew member, but I can’t remember why he did that. Mom would cook and bake and make an amazing spread so these guys could have something “normal” to look forward to. When one of Dad’s airmen got in trouble by the Sky Cops because he was drunk driving, Dad spent 3 days with him before he convinced him that he needed to seek help. He encouraged all of his crew to go to/back to school. Mom was close with the wives/others of all of the wing members and made sure they had everything they needed, and if not got them to the right person so they could get the services they were lacking. So when I hear that a solider takes his life because of whatever reason, I have to stop and think back, why didn’t that soldier’s command staff do the warm fuzzy awards too? Was the solider scared? Where they lonely? Did they just need that one hug to help them through the replay of crap going on in their heads? Would just one day of “normal” help? Why didn’t their Command take care of their crew?

Last Sunday, we got word that one of the veteran students here at our university took his life. I knew him, not well, but in passing and just general conversation. I do know he loved snowboarding and that he was majoring in photography. He was a purple heart recipient due to an IED going off in his face and it did a lot of damage including to his eye. That didn’t stop him from picking up a camera. This school has all sorts of amazing people working very hard to insure the success of reintegration of soldiers back into a civilian life. The folks running the Veterans Center are Veterans themselves, so they get it. They are that soft spot we used to have back when we were active duty. They all know what needs to be done and if they can’t then they all know someone who can. But what about this failed? Then I stop and think as to why K9’s For Warriors and other PSD groups are in demand now. The number of suicide’s in the military shot up to a new record 349 in 2012 — more than the 295 soldier’s who died fighting in Afghanistan in 2012. Most are 18-24 year olds who worried that asking for help will undermine their career. To make it just that much closer to home, “While some of the deaths can be linked to the stresses of being deployed in a war zone, a third or more of those who killed themselves were never deployed, Tom says. They seem to have been made desperate by financial or personal problems.” (Tom Bowman, NPR’s Pentagon correspondent). Now, stop and think about this. Hard. I could have lost Warrior Husband, but I didn’t because he and I met just as the crap was hitting the fan for him and I refused to walk away. To this day I refuse to even when it’s a really, really bad day. And then I look at Warrior Husband and Charlie. Then I start to cry. What if I hadn’t found Shari and K9’s when I did.

So this is what we need to do, folks. We all need to get it together. I understand that most of you have not or never were part of a military family, but you are now even if it’s through me. We can’t hand hold every single one of these folks, but we can include them in our lives. We need to help them find their courage in this civilian life. They didn’t have to be over in the sand box to be a Veteran. If they took that Oath, if they put on that uniform, then they are one. Let’s not just show them, but let incorporate them into this new Esprit de Corp. Let’s celebrate all of the little victories; let hold each other when we are scared or sad or if the play back loop who shut off in our heads. Let’s not be afraid and just Be instead. With that, I present to you, “On The Threshold of Liberty.” It is dedicated to the Veteran faculty, staff and students of Montana State University and I am hoping to be able to hang it in the Veteran’s Center.

Size: 53” x 53”
Design: "Starburst" by Canoe Ridge Creations
Machine Pieced - Machine Quilted
Dedicated: To the Veterans (faculty, staff and students) of MSU and given to the MSU Veteran's Center.

  • Red: Windham’s Holiday Heritage “Damask Red”
  • White: “White” Kona Cotton Solids by Robert Kaufman Fabrics
  • Blue: Hoffman’s “Sapphire” batik
  • Gold: Millie’s Garden – Joined At the Hip “Gold Swirl”
  • Black: Red Rooster-Olde World Style “Vienna Swirl”

Batting: Warm and Natural White Quilt Batting, 100% Cotton
Backing: “Black” Kona Cotton Solids by Robert Kaufman Fabrics.
Binding: “Black” Kona Cotton Solids by Robert Kaufman Fabrics. Double French binding
Thread: AURIfil 40wt - White

Monday, March 18, 2013

#30: "Hallowtide Fun" {March 2013}

What can I say. I saw this panel and busted out laughing. I really, really dislike scary stuff and most people have a tendency to swing towards that for Halloween. I love the fact that the monsters look so sweet and of course the cats. Now, understand, I actually got this panel because of ET and Edelbrock. If you look carefully you will see Edel in the middle right block and in the top right, next to the witch, is ET. ET was my 24 year-old, blind, deaf, brain damaged one-eyed cat. My blind step mother discovered him, just minutes from being born and having fallen from the tree momma had her litter in. ET (Teasers) was a cool cat, just like the fine fellow in the block.

This is NOT ment to be a scary, mean, negative way to look at Halloween. Rather, bringing it back to being a kid again; where monsters weren't mean and could be chased away with Monster Spray or a stern word from my Mother to go back under the bed because it was past their bedtime too.

Size: 25.5" x 29"
  • Front: "Scribble Monsters II" by Leeré Aldrich for Clothworks - 100% Cotton
  • Back: Solid black - 100% Cotton
Binding: Solid black - 100% Cotton
Batting: Pellon Legacy White Quilt Batting, 100% Cotton
Thread: AURIfil 40wt Thread - Black
Pattern: Panel from Clothworks

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

#29: "Skyfall" {March 2013}

I am a sucker for 3 things:
  1. Beautiful fabrics
  2. Simple, elegant designs
  3. Ikea. Both my ex-husband and my current husband call me The Ikea Queen.
Not necessarily in that order.

When V & Co. came out with her fabric line called “Simply Color” I just pointed to the computer screen and whimpered at Steve. All of our funds were tied up in getting him the Service Dog. I put it on the “Please Father Christmas drop this in my stocking” list. He gave a delightful surprise of a Layered Cake, a Jelly Roll and a charm pack from the fabric line. After I stopped bawling at the fact that Steve got these for me, I sat and petted the pretties for a very long time. All the while looking at my Ikea catalogs and wishing I was closer to Seattle to get the furniture we need for our home and thinking about clean, modern designs to make this OUR home Then I saw a photo or something of a traditional quilt block but blown WAY up. The colors were clean, the block was traditional, but the way it was made was so modern; a stunning twist. Then it hit me...I could so DO that! After much thought and much wondering, I popped open my Layered Cake of the “Simply Color” fabrics. The rest as they say is history.

Please, enjoy the yummy fabric colors and designs. They not only have that Ikea feel too them, but they have been given Norwegian titles. In this case "Skyfall" is in fact "Skyfall" in Norwegian. In this case, I broke with my themes for the 4 quilts. This quilt was my second attempt at free-hand quilting. Originally, this was going to be named "Rain" but as I was quilting the rain drops in the center of the quilt, I was listening to the "Skyfall" soundtrack and the theme song by Adele came up. I discovered I was not only moving the quilt easier, I was almost swaging and dancing to the music. I then decided to challenge myself for the wavy lines on the sides and the star points. If you look carefully and put on the music, you will see that my lines are to the rhythm of the brass section of the music! Each lump in the wave is a note or beat change per that section!

Size: 36 x 36 inches
Pattern: Adaptation of "Giant Vintage Star" of a traditional Starflower block by In Color Order Fabrics:
  • Front: "Simply Color" by V and Co. for Moda - 100% Cotton
  • Back: Solid white - 100% Cotton
Binding: "Simply Color - Gray Ombre" by V and Co. for Moda - 100% Cotton
Batting: Pellon Legacy White Quilt Batting, 100% Cotton
Thread: AURIfil 40wt Quilting Thread

Friday, March 8, 2013

#28: "Varen - Spring Time" {March 2013}

I am a sucker for 3 things:
  1. Beautiful fabrics
  2. Simple, elegant designs
  3. Ikea. Both my ex-husband and my current husband call me The Ikea Queen.
Not necessarily in that order.

When V & Co. came out with her fabric line called “Simply Color” I just pointed to the computer screen and whimpered at Steve. All of our funds were tied up in getting him the Service Dog. I put it on the “Please Father Christmas drop this in my stocking” list. He gave a delightful surprise of a Layered Cake, a Jelly Roll and a charm pack from the fabric line. After I stopped bawling at the fact that Steve got these for me, I sat and petted the pretties for a very long time. All the while looking at my Ikea catalogs and wishing I was closer to Seattle to get the furniture we need for our home and thinking about clean, modern designs to make this OUR home Then I saw a photo or something of a traditional quilt block but blown WAY up. The colors were clean, the block was traditional, but the way it was made was so modern; a stunning twist. Then it hit me...I could so DO that! After much thought and much wondering, I popped open my Layered Cake of the “Simply Color” fabrics. The rest as they say is history.

Please, enjoy the yummy fabric colors and designs. They not only have that Ikea feel too them, but they have been given Norwegian titles. In this case "Våren" is Norwegian for "Spring" like my yummy green mosses and gray skies of Camano Island. These quilts mean a LOT to me. Not only for sheer joy of getting of make something I’ve always wanted, but for the fact that they are are very much a reflection of our home. Oh and for those following the trail of what I was listening to while I quilted each quilt, this one got "The Water Garden" by Diane Arkenstone. The repeating echo's are reflective of this piece of music, making it a no brainer for this quilt.

Size: 36" x 36"
Pattern: Adaptation of "Giant Vintage Star" of a traditional Starflower block by In Color Order Fabrics:
  • Front: "Simply Color" by V and Co. for Moda - 100% Cotton
  • Back: Solid white - 100% Cotton
Binding: "Simply Color - Gray Ombre" by V and Co. for Moda - 100% Cotton
Batting: Pellon Legacy White Quilt Batting, 100% Cotton
Thread: AURIfil 40wt Quilting Thread

Sunday, February 24, 2013

#27: "Arts & Architecture" {February 2013}

"Arts & Architecture" is named in honor of Dean Nancy Cornwell and her incredible husband, Stan Downs. We were downstairs neighbors of these wonderful folks who used to come out in the late evenings and sit under a tree in the back yard and watch students play their intramural games. When Dean Nancy is out "Deaning" at MSU's school of Arts and Architecture, Stan is working/building on their home located on one of the beautiful mountains near MSU. Dean Nancy’s encouragement for both of our educations has been one of consistency and amusement. She very much gets what it is like to be a non-traditional student in this day and age. Stan, in all his quiet ways, as taught us to not only laugh at the rough times, but measure twice, cut once.

Size: 51" x 47"
Pattern: "Charmalade Quilt" by Pamela Lincoln
  • Front: "Etchings" by 3 Sisters for Moda - 100% Cotton
  • Back: Solid navy blue - 100% Cotton
Binding: "Etchings" by 3 Sisters for Moda Botanical Print - 100% Cotton
Batting: Pellon Legacy White Quilt Batting, 100% Cotton
Thread: AURIfil 40wt Quilting Thread

Thursday, January 31, 2013

#26: "Retro Vogue" {January 2013}

The retro/vintage red's and teal's blend beautifully into the grays, pinks and sage greens giving this line of fabric a fun, funky, vintage feel without going overboard on the colors.

Size: 19.25" x 19.25"
Pattern: The original quilt design. The pattern is a series half square triangle blending from light gray to pink to red to teal. These were left over scraps from the “L4” quilt and I wanted to challenge myself to make a mini quilt.
  • Vintage Modern by Bonnie & Camille for Moda
  • Kona Solids - White
Backing: Apple Of My Eye" by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake
Binding: Apple Of My Eye" by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake
Batting: Mountain Mist White Rose 100% cotton needled batting

Sunday, January 20, 2013

#25: "Present Primitive" {January 2013}

I am a broke quilter, so when I get fabric I will use everything up to and including the "Scrap Barf" a.k.a., the little tiny pieces. So when I made our Kat and Goggie Yule Stockings this year, I purchased 2 charm packs of this fabric. With the exception of the backing, all of these fabrics were leftover "Scrap Barf" from the project. At that time, the chevron patterns were starting to come back into fad again, so after the New Year, I decided to give one a try! The colors leaned to a very "primitive country" style, particularly when paired with the deep reds and blue. The quilting along the red boarder what my very first ever attempt to free-hand quilting. That's where I discovered that if I listened to music instead of my audible book, my quilting would become more free-flowing and I would have a lot of fun just playing with it!

Size: 20.5" x 23"
Pattern: Self created chevron
  • Front: "Holiday Medley" by Kansas Troubles Holiday Medley for Moda - 100% Cotton
  • Back: "Navy Blue Stripe" by Kansas Troubles for Moda - 100% Cotton
Binding: "Navy Blue Stripe" by Kansas Troubles for Moda - 100% Cotton
Batting: Pellon Legacy White Quilt Batting, 100% Cotton

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

#24: "Because I Said Sew" {January 2013} - UFO

The ultimate UFO in my project list. This is my ultimate UFO. I'm not to sure I will ever get to fix this quilt or even play with it for awhile. I wasn't happy with the blocks touching and I"m not happy with the small black windows. It just needs...something!

Size: 75" x 47.25"
Fabric: "Mama Said Sew" by Sweetwater for Moda Fabrics