Tuesday, January 28, 2014

One Day At A Time

It's been a really, really hard few days. I mean throw hands up in the air-demand why answers-want to give up-walk away hard. My head is screaming to be pessimistic and deposit all sorts of negative, dark things. My heart is telling me to not, to stop, Breathe and Listen since I'm having a difficult time Seeing. Art is my therapist. Fabric is my medication, the machine humming is my meditation. I am Learning how to Hear colors and Feel vibrancy and it's a unyielding lesson, but it's making me a better artist, a better person, and hopefully a less bitter one to boot. I should be in this unhinged-unholy rage stage about loosing my site, honestly I'm not. It can take me over, or I can learn a new way to do this. I'd rather learn. So, to my fellow artisans (you all know who you are) Visual, Auditory, or Whatever you are about, take a moment and try to encompass your other senses and pour your spirit and zeal into it. Just try. For me. I need your support and encouragement so much right now. I am so scared but I know I can. If a musician can make a cello sing to a popular song, add a dash of Beethoven, his own Sprit and a lot of Energy, then I can do this to my art as well.

I will leave you all with this beautiful quote and piece of music that will both Enlighten, Enchant, and Exhilarate to set you on your way:
Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets; art deserves that, for it and knowledge can raise man to the Divine. - Ludwig van Beethoven

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