Friday, January 24, 2014

Photography + Coffee = Every Photographer I Happen to Know Giveaway

I’ve been in the process of learning how to photograph my quilts with natural light.  I’m trying to figure out unique styles and perspectives as well as learning how to bounce light so it’s not just direct but indirect so I stop all those really harsh shadows.  The key is I still want to be able to show off the stitching.  It’s been a massive learning curve, and one I’ve truly enjoyed tackling.  I just read a wonderful article by Anne Sullivan from Play Crafts (seriously, click the link and go read.  She did a fantastic job) about shooting quilts and the difference between indirect and direct lighting as well as what happens to our fabric colors under the various light bulbs, natural light, and so on (I’ve known this for years due to my SLR work and lab time, but it was a good refresher).

So, I’m looking for your input and suggestions as to “How To Train a Non-DSLR Photographer To Think She Can Do This.” I have 25 quilts thus far this year that I am going to need to shoot. At a minimum I’m thinking I’ll have at least 10 more added to that list by June.  I live in one of the most amazing states for lighting and backdrops (Montana). No, I’m really not into that whole country-barbed wire-cow next to the chicken- looking shoot. I have the Bridgers and Spanish Peaks in my back yard and I’m 90-minutes away from Yellowstone. I mean come on tell me that isn’t a great excuse for a road trip!  What I do need are tips and techniques that you all have and use that you don’t necessarily think about that would be good for me to learn and apply to my new skill set.  Should you be interested, there’s a thank you involved.  Leave your tip for me in the comment section below. Be sure you have “Liked” me on Facebook as well as Instagram/VSCO/Afterlight (I’m having so much fun with these apps!).  I will put everyone’s name in a random generator and on Monday, 27 January I will draw the name out to win this:

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I can offer you any advice to improve your photography as you seem to already know way more than I do on the subject. I can however, if you don't mind, offer my opinion on a setup of photos. I dislike the country look as well, barbed wire/barn wood are way overplayed in my eyes. I do like though, shots of things in action. To see something like a quilt in action, would help me see it's actual size, and help push WHY I need it. Like, a sweetie, relaxing by a nice little fire, cup of hot chocolate nearby or in hand, nose deep in a good book, all while sitting nice and cozy with a beautifully handcrafted quilt. Just my two cents! Good luck, and thank you for hosting such a lovely giveaway!
